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Licensing exams (Missouri Content Assessment) results for Northwest Professional Education Program:

Year Takers Pass Rate
2021-22 204 93%
2020-21 211 97%
2019-20 216 89%
2018-19 204 98%

Licensing exams (Missouri Content Assessment) results for Northwest Professional Education Program by assessment:

Year Assessment Pass Rate
2021-22 Agriculture n<10
2021-22 Art n<10
2021-22 Biology n<10
2021-22 Business n<10
2021-22 Chemistry n<10
2021-22 Early Childhood Education 87%
2021-22 Early Childhood Special Education 94%
2020-21 Elementary Education Subtest I 100%
2021-22 Elementary Education Subtest II 94%
2021-22 Elementary Education: English Lang Arts Subtest 100%
2021-22 Elementary Education: Mathematics 100%
2021-22 Elementary Education: Science Subtest 100%
2021-22 Elementary Education: Social Studies Subtest 100%
2021-22 English 80%
2021-22 Health n<10
2021-22 Middle School Education: Mathematics n<10
2021-22 Middle School Education: Science n<10
2021-22 Mild/Moderate Cross Categorical Special Education 80%
2021-22 Music: Instrumental & Vocal 100%
2021-22 Physical Education 94%
2021-22 Social Science 100%
2021-22 World Languages: Spanish n<10

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